Music Director/Conductor
Word of the Day!!!
Being An Example In Trying Times
There have been some VERY TRYING TIMES, due to the rising if a VERY ugly head called RACISM & BIGOTRY!
IT MAKES NO SINCE WHATSOEVER TO TURN TO VIOLENCE and/or LOOTING! or any other types of DESTRUCTION!!! This kind of BEHAVIOR HURTS YOU AND EVERYONE AROUND, including those who are close to you!!!
If ever there is a time to PRAY, STAY FOCUSED and ASK GOD FOR GUIDANCE, now is the time. We hear about the evils that are going on in this world, such as another murder of an unarmed African-American man in police custody, an attack on someone who is Asian (or a defenseless Sr. Citizen, a robbery that took the life of a young cashier or an innocent bystander. Or a mass shooting that takes the lives of many people at once. What we remember that GOD IS NOT ASLEEP!!!
This is an even greater test of everyone's faith. But we wonder, “Where is God during all of this?” I got news for you. HE NEVER LEFT!!! HE'S RIGHT HERE all along!!!
...watching over protesters, as they face police officers (many in riot gear), who are fed up with COPS, getting away with merciless killings of African-Americans (and other minority races) across the nation.
...with law enforcement, as they try to keep order in a very hostile environment. He’s holding those police officers, in His palm, especially those who are VERY serious about fulfilling the OATH they swore to protect and serve EVERYONE! REGARDLESS OF RACE GENDER COLOR & CREED and holding those who lost family members to police shootings & gang violence, and with the families of the officers, who face opposition from every angle.
...Watching over the just and the unjust, as we go about our everyday lives. Those who try to stretch their good deeds everyday by "paying it forward", and those who go about doing the will of GOD every day of their lives. And even those who do evil to others just for the fun of it.
...knocking on the door of one’s heart to FORGIVE those who practice behaviors of HATRED, PREJUDICE, VIOLENCE (etc., etc.., etc…), that are not of Him,
...with those who has hopefully had a chance of redemption while given just enough time to repent and accept Christ into their lives before their untimely death!
WITH ALL OF THAT SAID! While the blood is still running warm in our veins, we are able to take advantage of the most important opportunity of our lives to get to know Christ, before it’s too late!!! So bow your head and your heart and PRAY. and invite JESUS CHRIST into your life!
HEAVENLY FATHER; I believe that your son Jesus Christ has died for my sins and that you raised him from the dead. I accept Your Son Jesus Christ to come in to my heart, to forgive all of my sins and to cleans my heart. And Lord; please be my Lord & Savior, that I might live with you in your kingdom, forever. These blessings I ask IN JESUS’ NAME; AMEN!