Music Director/Conductor
• ORGANIZATION: The ability to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, multitask and
complete projects & miscellaneous tasks in a timely manner.
• TEAMWORK: The ability to act as a team player, positively motivate persons, resolve
conflicts, encourage a positive work environment.
• SUPERVISORY: The Ability to identify strengths & weaknesses in others, effectively
delegate tasks, coordinate projects and support the work/efforts of others.
• QUALITY OF WORK: strong organizational & prioritizing skills, the ability to multitask,
to concentrate on detail, good attendance, etc.
• SOFTWARE: Strong computer skills: Proficient in Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel,
and. (proficient in Excel, Outlook, Word).
• EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS: (written & verbal) good listening & negotiating skills.
• Knowledge of preparing press releases, articles, newsletters, web page content, script &
music contents for radio, television, screen and stage, commercials and grant/proposal
writing for small groups & non-profit.
• The ability to listen and dictate/transcribe text & music from media (mp3/tape/c\CD, etc)
onto paper or into various word-processing (or other) software.
• Knowledge of writing scripts and other text content for radio, television, (stage & screen),
including commercials advertisement that targets different
industries and a variety of audiences.
• Familiarity with blogs and social networks (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc).
• Knowledge of Grant/Proposal Writing for Groups and Non-Profit Organizations.
• Knowledge of writing Business Plans for small business.
• The ability to acoustically arrange and score music for multiple styles & instrumentation.
• The ability to listen and dictate/transcribe text, dialogue, songs (music & words), etc. from
media (e.g. cassette/reel to reel tape/CD/MP3), to manuscript by hand o by music software.
• The ability to learn various basic styles of the guitar.
• The ability to read guitar music and charts.
• The ability to read guitar music and charts.